Nursery Management Software
for Children
- Gain more focused time from nursery staff to play, learn and make memories
- Stronger parental involvement in my learning with home observations
- Wider understanding of my development needs and next steps by both staff and parents
"We love seeing what our children get up to at home...
Their parents share their holiday pictures, activities they’ve done and milestone events through their child’s learning journey.”

Bebe Tots – Owner

"Loved looking back at what my son has been doing and can't wait to see what he'll be getting up to"
How eyworks helps me thrive!
- When my key workers notice something new I’ve learned, they can share it with my parents, and my parents can keep helping me learn at home!
- My key workers can easily see what I need each day to feel my best. If I need extra help with anything, they are ready for me.
Built with education in mind

Emotional wellbeing
Communication and trust built between my parents and staff help me to transition smoothly between home and nursery, whilst a consistent routine provides comfort and security.

Informed staff
Easier access to my routines, allergies, SEND requirements and development levels, gives nursery staff a better understanding of my needs, for more personalised care and support.

Partnered learning
Shared daily activities allow me to communicate my experiences with both family and staff, fostering a strong sense of connection and helps everyone feel like a cohesive nursery family.
Discover the powerful, on-the-go platform designed for nursery children
- eyworks is super easy to use, so it tracks all the fun milestones and learning adventures I have at nursery
- Easy-to-use observations and tracking tools reduce admin tasks so practitioners get more time to play with me
- My key workers can share lesson plans and resources, so everyone knows what I'm learning and how to help me learn best
- My key workers can see detailed records of my development, which helps them understand if I need a little extra support
- Quick and easy progress reports provide updates that can be shared with my parent during consultations or meetings

eyworks is trusted by single nurseries to countrywide groups

“Onboarding was simple and quick, and the support from the eylog team has been very prompt.”
“I logged into eylog and it is brilliant"
Learn more about what eyworks will do for you

Learning together, at nursery and at home
- When my parents drop me off, they can check me in quickly with a QR code, which means I can start my day right away
- While I’m learning and playing, my parents get little updates on their phone about what I’m up to, so they always feel close to me, even when we're apart
- I have my own eyworks daily diary that tells my parents about my meals, snacks, bottles, sleep and more, so they know what I need when I get home
- If I have a bump or need medicine, eyworks lets my parents see the notes and sign off, so I always feel looked after and safe
Be part of our nursery community today!
Parent users
Observations captured

Media shared
Daily diaries recorded
Accidents logged
"Practitioners earlier had to spend time out from children to write up the observations, now they are in the room making memories."

Owner – Anglia Sunshine Nurseries